Log config - can I ignore requests from a certain IP?

I have a load balancer in front of nginx that performs health checks
every 2 seconds by requesting a html file from nginx. This is filling
up my access log. Can nginx be configured so that it does not log
requests from a certain IP. Thanks in advance!

This problem comes up often, and the solution is usually to turn off
log for that location only; something like the following is very

server {

location = /health.html {
access_log off;


Merlin wrote:

This problem comes up often, and the solution is usually to turn off
log for that location only; something like the following is very

server {

location = /health.html {
access_log off;


That does not work. I think the load balancer is doing some kind of
incomplete request to the health file on nginx. I am seeing 400 errors
in the log and no log entries for /loadcheck.html. - - [06/Dec/2008:09:08:28 -0500] 400 “-” 0 “-” “-” “-”

I tried something like this, but not working either:

error_page  400 /400;
location = /400 {
  access_log off;

I also tried to put a condition when $status is 400, but nginx gave an
error that said access_log was not allowed in this block of code.

Let me know if you guys have any other ideas. Thanks!