Different between symbol and string?

What is exactly different between symbol and string ? Symbol has never
appear in other language.

On Mon, 01 Dec 2008 17:54:58 -0800, Chris Li [email protected] wrote:

What is exactly different between symbol and string ? Symbol has never
appear in other language.


On Dec 1, 2008, at 7:54 PM, Chris Li wrote:

What is exactly different between symbol and string ? Symbol has never
appear in other language.

In a sense, symbols appear in almost every language, but under another
name: identifier. A Symbol is an identifier without any associated

Granted, that’s probably too simple/naive an explanation. You might
also try searching the archives for this mailing list; discussions
about Symbol have come 'round many a times with some quite thorough

Chris Li wrote:

What is exactly different between symbol and string ? Symbol has never
appear in other language.

Except for the Smalltalk #symbol and the Perl “bareword” concept…

Irritatingly, all languages have an internal “symbol table” concept,
but they
keep it hidden. Only the best languages expose it as a programmer

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 9:49 PM, Phlip [email protected] wrote:

Chris Li wrote:

What is exactly different between symbol and string ? Symbol has never
appear in other language.

Except for the Smalltalk #symbol and the Perl “bareword” concept…

…and Lisp symbols…


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