Creating array of hashes

I have a problem,

please check the code

Fields =
Fields [0] = “sno”
Fields [1] = “username”
Fields [2] = “designation”
Fields [3] = “salary”
Fields [4] = “dob”
Fields [5] = “email”
Fields [6] = “doj”

These are the fields of the object ‘Employee’

The Employees array contains of the set of employee objects…

I need to have the array of hashes as
[{employee_record1},{employee_record2}… n records]

For this i tried as the…

result = []

for employee in Employees
res = {}
for field in fields
res << { field => employee.send(field)}
result << res
But it is not working…

Finally i have to replace the ‘result’ with the
through the statement

=> result

which accepts only the hashes… whose columns are the keys and the
data as values

Please Help me Thank You

Hi - see below…

hema gonaboina wrote:

for field in fields

You used ‘Fields’ above instead of ‘fields’ here.

  res << { field => employee.send(field)}

res[field] = employee.send(field)

‘res’ is a hash. You build it by setting key/value pairs not pushing
onto a sequential array.
That should probably do it.

Some other things that might be of interest:
will give you a hash of all the fields and their values for an
employee object but you might only be wanting a subset. (You could
‘delete’ them.)
will give you an array of all the column names.

which accepts only the hashes… whose columns are the keys and the column
data as values

Please Help me Thank You

Daniel B.