Trouble accessing ruby constants globally

I’m trying to declare a constant in one file and access it in another.
It doesn’t seem to be working.

Here’s my declaration (at the top of a file, remainder of file omitted
for brevity):


class UserDataFile < File

def self.parse_file(src_name, parse_progress)

    (other stuff follows)

Here’s where i’m trying to access it:

parse_progress =, ::NOT_YET_PARSED)

it fails with the message: uninitialized constant

I’ve run into this problem several times before and always somehow
hacked my way around it, but I want to get it right this time. Any
help appreciated.


Why don’t you write File::NUM_SECTIONS_TO_PARSE

On Nov 26, 2:13 am, “[email protected][email protected] wrote:

    def self.parse_file(src_name, parse_progress)

I’ve run into this problem several times before and always somehow
hacked my way around it, but I want to get it right this time. Any
help appreciated.

Has that file been loaded at the point you try to use that constant?


Thanks Fred. I guess I did not fully understand the sequence in which
ruby loads files. I put a “require
‘name_of_file_with_constant_declaration’” at the top of the file in
which I am using the constant and that fixed it.


On Nov 26, 5:01 am, Frederick C. [email protected]