Ajax problem

hi friends…

my rhtml page is:

Post Blog <%= form_remote_tag(:update => "my_list", :url => { :action => :preview_blog }, :position => "top" ) %> <%= link_to_remote(image_tag("../images/post_blog.gif", :border => 0), :update => "save",:url =>{ :action => :save })%>

form_remote_tag is working fine. but link_to_remote not working!!!

please help me…


On 25 Nov 2008, at 12:32, Smarty 2k wrote:

                  :position => "top" ) %>

form_remote_tag is working fine. but link_to_remote not working!!!

“not working”, in the absence of clarifications as to what that means,
is the most useless thing you can write in a message to a mailing list.

In this particular case it could mean:

  • no ajax call is made
  • an ajax call is made but with the wrong parameters
  • a seemingly correct call is made but it isn’t routed properly
  • my controller raises some error (if so what error)
  • the side effects I wanted (record changed in the database etc…)
    don’t appear to have happened
  • the rjs in my controller/view hasn’t done the right thing
  • after the ajax call completes the page doesn’t update the way I want/
    at all.


not working would mean:

  • It’s not calling the controller action
  • Is calling the controller action, but not responding
  • Responding but not updating html-tag with id “save” (which exists,
    of course)
  • do something totally weird like ordering a pizza?