RESTful url not working

'm new to Rails.
I tried using _path and _url with link_to helper method but it doesnt
work for me.

Does anyone know what can be the issue?
my code is

Hello Rails

<%= flash[:notice] %> <%= link_to 'Show Blog', posts_url %>

Post is my controller

The error ‘m getting is
undefined local variable or method `posts_url’ for #<ActionView::Base:

Thanks in advance

Hello Ashit,

If you run “rake routes” in your project directory you’ll see what
routes are available. Also, the singular vs plural question needs to
be considered here.

The model has a singular name - models/path.rb
The controller has a plural name - controllers/paths_controller.rb
The view has a plural name - views/paths/edit.html.erb

So a url for your controller would typically be: paths_url


“rake routes” really becomes your friend here as you are able to take
a look at everything that will work. Trust me, just run it and look
over the output to see where you might be going wrong.

Hi Ashit. Another thing that you can do is test out the various URL
and path helpers in your app’s console. For example:

$ script/console
Loading development environment (Rails 2.1.0)

?> app.photos_url
=> “

?> app.photos_path
=> “/photos”

?> quit


Nick H. wrote:

Hi Ashit. Another thing that you can do is test out the various URL
and path helpers in your app’s console. For example:

$ script/console
Loading development environment (Rails 2.1.0)

?> app.photos_url
=> “

?> app.photos_path
=> “/photos”

?> quit


good one