"syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER , expecting kEND" in RJS response

I get a “syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting kEND” when
the following RJS template is rendered:

page.insert_html :bottom, :requisite_table, :partial =>
“insert_jobrequisite_select”, :locals => {:job => @job, :counter =>

The same RJS template is rendered without errors as soon as the rjs
file has only one single javascript call - that means, the prior
example works if “page.alert(“hi”)” is deleted.

The strange thing about it is, that in another controller action I use
a similar rjs template (containing two javascript calls as above) and
it works.

The only difference between both rjs templates is that the problematic
one (the above example) renders a template which itself calls another
template within a loop over a collection (job.requisites each do |r|
render :partial => “requisite”).

Anyone knows what is going on here and how to make this problematic
example work?

Thanks for any help!


On Nov 22, 9:38 pm, jawosis [email protected] wrote:

example works if “page.alert(“hi”)” is deleted.
Anyone knows what is going on here and how to make this problematic
example work?

Bad line endings or invisible gremlins ?


On Nov 22, 10:01 pm, jawosis [email protected] wrote:

Hi Fred,

what exactly do you mean by bad line endings?
If there would be any bad line endings in:

a) the rjs template - then, I should see the same error in the second
rjs template (the one that works) using the same syntax…which istn’t
the case!

Probably in the rjs template. The thing is that your editor would
probably display them in the same way, so the two files would look
identical even if they weren’t. Your editor will have a show
invisibles command and a convert line endings one too, play around
with those.


Ok - thanks a lot for your advice Fred!

I checked my line endings with another editor and in fact found some
unwanted whitespaces.
Now everything works fine!

On 22 Nov., 23:12, Frederick C. [email protected]

Hi Fred,

what exactly do you mean by bad line endings?
If there would be any bad line endings in:

a) the rjs template - then, I should see the same error in the second
rjs template (the one that works) using the same syntax…which istn’t
the case!
b) the partials being called in the rjs template - then, I should also
see the error when just the first line/ javascript call (the one that
calls the partials) is executed…which istn’t the case!

Hmmm…then it must be the invisible gremlins?

On 22 Nov., 22:46, Frederick C. [email protected]