Updating the mysql record without id feild

Hi All,
I need to update the records in the mysql with the data
from the xml where the id field not presented in the database,
instead we took the number as primary key but not auto_incremented.

I treid with many attempts
for example my view as follows …

Editing employee

<% form_tag :action =>'update',:id => @employee.number do -%>

<%= label 'Employ_No','Employee Number' %> <%= text_field 'employee','number',:value => @employee.number,:size => "16",:maxlength => "20",:id=>'number' %>
          <%=  label 'Employ_Name','Employee Name' %>
           <%= text_field 'employee','name',:value => 

=> “16”,:maxlength => “20”,:id=>“employ_name” %>

<%= label ‘Employ_Job’,‘Employee Job’ %>

<%= text_field ‘employee’,‘job’,:value =>
@employee.job,:size =>
“16”,:maxlength => “20”,:id=>“employ_job” %>

<%= label ‘Employ_Salary’,‘Employee Salary’ %>

<%= text_field ‘employee’,‘salary’,:value =>
@employee.salary,:size => “16”,:maxlength => “20”,:id=>“employ_salary”
<%= submit_tag "Save" %> <% end %>

I tried with text_field_tag but i found this is the right way since we
access through the params[:employee] for all values and
params[:employee][:name] for individual fields

and in my controller

def update
puts “In update”
no = params[:id]
employ = Employee.new
employ.number = params[:employee][:number]
employ.name = params[:employee][:name]
employ.job = params[:employee][:job]
employ.salary = params[:employee][:salary]
# puts “#{params[employ_no]}”
puts “#{params[:employee][:employ_no]}”
puts “#{params[:employee][:name]}”
puts “#{params[:id]}”

     employee = Employee.find(:first,:conditions =>  ["number = 


      @emp = Employee.find(:first,:conditions => ["number = ?",no])

      puts "before update"

   #     if @emp.update(:no,params[:employee]) then
   #             puts "success"
   #             reder :text => "success"
   #     else
   #             puts "failed"
   #             render :text => "failed"
   #     end

      if @emp.update_attributes(params[:employee]) then
        puts "success"
        reder :text => "success"
        puts "failed"
        render :text => "failed"

     # employee.update_attribute(:number,employ.number)

      puts "updated"
      #if @emp!= nil then
      #    @emp.number = params[:employ_no]
       #   @emp.name = params[:employ_name]
       #   @emp.job = params[:employ_job]
       #   @emp.salary = params[:employ_sal]
     # end
       puts "#{params[:employee]}"
       puts @emp

rescue => e
  puts "error is #{e}"


Where my model has only 4 fields name,number,job,salary (here number is
primary key)
I tried with all the cases and vexed, It is througin error for each case

@emp.update(:number,params[:employee]) # ERROR : The private
method ‘update’ called

@emp.update_attributes(params[:employee]) # Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown
column ‘id’ in ‘where clause’: UPDATE employees SET salary =
number = 6, job = ‘se’, name = ‘xxx’ WHERE id = NULL

@emp.update_attributes(employ) # ERROR is undefined method
for #

How to achieve the updating? Please anybody help me…

Thank You Fred for your reply… I tried with the set_primary_key but
still it is throwing the exception,Sorry sending the code like that i
modified the code with removing the comments,the commented code is the
my trails to achieve the desired.I have given the ways and the errors
that are rendering for the particular call … Please check and excuse
the mistakes if any,

Thank You Fred
I got it
In model I kept the statement as
self.primary_key = :number

It worked… Thank you

On Nov 19, 4:59 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]

On 19 Nov 2008, at 11:52, hema gonaboina wrote:

Hi All,
I need to update the records in the mysql with the data
fields from the xml where the id field not presented in the database,
instead we took the number as primary key but not auto_incremented.

I treid with many attempts
for example my view as follows …

Your code is pretty impenetrable by virtue of the duplication, bits
commented out etc… but if you don’t have a primary key column you
should be using set_primary_key to tell rails which column is the
primary key
