Ordering with eager loading

I’m trying to order my results by what I got with eager loading.

there is a bit of code about what i want

@study_class = StudyClass.find(:all, :include => :teacher)

it is associated with an id, and i want to order my result by the
name, which is just inside the teacher table that is loaded there.

is it possible or will i have to reorder it with ruby code?


aka Felipe G.
blog: www.gallois.com.br/blog
fanglib homepage: www.gallois.com.br/fanglib

is it possible or will i have to reorder it with ruby code?

Can be done like that:

@study_class = StudyClass.find(:all, :include => :teacher, :order =>
“teachers.name ASC”)

(since :order takes pure SQL, it must be the table name in plural
as used in the database)

On 19 Nov 2008, at 01:05, Felipe G. wrote:

is it possible or will i have to reorder it with ruby code?
:order => ‘teachers.something’


On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 07:26, Frederick C.
[email protected]wrote:

it is associated with an id, and i want to order my result by the

perfect! worked like a charm! thank you very much guys!


aka Felipe G.
blog: www.gallois.com.br/blog
fanglib homepage: www.gallois.com.br/fanglib