Contributing the activerecord-jdbc

I’m currently working with activerecord-jdbc, and it’s not clear what
the best method of contributing to the project is.

What is the primary development tree?

GitHub - nicksieger/activerecord-jdbc-adapter: ActiveRecord adapter for JDBC and JRuby. ?

What is the best way to send through patches?

  • git patch emails?
  • svn diff output?
  • ?

Where should patches be submitted?

'twould be grand if all the answers to the above questions could be
found in the README.txt

I’ve got a patch to have a rake task to run the core activerecord tests
against the jdbc connectors (the mysql driver fails 19 tests from
activerecord-2.1.2), and would like to do some work to restructure the
current tests to fit better with the activerecord style so that there is
less overlap between the activerecord-jdbc tests and the core
activerecord tests.

Daniel S. wrote:

I’m currently working with activerecord-jdbc, and it’s not clear what
the best method of contributing to the project is.

What is the primary development tree?
_ ?
_ ?
- some other location?

I believe it has moved to

And we would love to get more contributors involved :slight_smile: There’s even a
bunch of outstanding issues in JRuby JIRA with patches to be applied.

What is the best way to send through patches?
- git patch emails?
- svn diff output?
- ?

Bugs filed with patches on JRuby JIRA I believe. We’ll keep them all in
the same place until we can move the whole of JRuby development to

Where should patches be submitted?
- Rubyforge?
- Mailing list? _
- Is there a lighthouse for activerecord-jdbc?

'twould be grand if all the answers to the above questions could be
found in the README.txt

Very good idea; one of us may get around to adding it, or perhaps you
could write up something simple we can apply to README?

I’ve got a patch to have a rake task to run the core activerecord tests
against the jdbc connectors (the mysql driver fails 19 tests from
activerecord-2.1.2), and would like to do some work to restructure the
current tests to fit better with the activerecord style so that there is
less overlap between the activerecord-jdbc tests and the core
activerecord tests.

I’ll let Nick or Ola answer this…they’re the AR-JDBC primaries.

  • Charlie

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