J2ee and rails proejct with one jboss webserver

i am new to rails(version-2.1.1)
Already i have a j2ee project running on jboss server.
i want to add some extra functionality(which is i have created in a new
Rails project) into that j2ee project.
i want to deploy my new rails project with that old jboss server
that means i don’t want to use any of the ruby server like thin

my constraint focus is
i want to use only on webserver (that is Jboss)
i want to use two application server (j2ee,rails-2.1)

how can i manage that ?

is there any way to redirect the request from jboss or tomcat webserver
to both of the above mentioned application server.

should i write any cgi script ?

You will have to use some Ruby application server (like mongrel).
You can’t run a Rails app without something executing the code and
serving up the content. What you would need to do in this case is set
up Jboss to proxy requests over to your mongrels. If you need help on
how to set that up you’d probably have better luck on a java-specific

On Oct 29, 8:57 pm, Thani A. [email protected]

Thani A. wrote:

i want to deploy my new rails project with that old jboss server
that means i don’t want to use any of the ruby server like thin

Have you taken a look at JRuby and Warbler? You can package a Rails app
up as a WAR file (with some constraints) and any J2EE compliant
webserver should grok it.

Roderick van Domburg

Thanks guys
i will try it…