Problem creating Hello World app in Ruby on Rails

Hi All,

I just installed Ruby on Rails on my MacBook Pro and tried to create the
Hello World app that is documented in the Agile Development with Rails
book. I followed all the instructions for creating the Hello World app
but get the following error when I try to load

MissingSourceFile in SayController#index

no such file to load – sqlite3

Can anyone please let me know what I need to do to fix this issue?

P.S., I have the following things installed on my MacBook Pro:

  1. Ruby 1.8.6
  2. Rails 2.1.2
  3. MySQL 5.0.67

David Park wrote:

no such file to load – sqlite3

If you want to use mysql, then set up your rails project like this:
% rails --database=mysql
If you leave out the database option, rails will assume you want
(I think mysql used to be the default some time ago).

You can alter the database and connection settings in config/

Daniel B.

its looking sqlite3 database which is not installed on your mac.

get the binary for mac from here SQLite Download Page

install it and then run
sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby

and you should be ok to go.

Otherwise if you want to use mysql then change your database.yml file
in the config directory like so (and remove all config options for

adapter: mysql
database: db_name
username: root
host: localhost
encoding: utf8

do this for test and production as well

Thanks for your help!