-l command line option broken?

It’s been working for me. I wrote a Vim script that runs the current
(in whatever window it might be) with DRb, so it takes about a
second. It’s
made a big difference in my TDD/BDD work cycle.


Sorry for not replying to the thread but I’m not getting any mail from
rspec-users right now for whatever reason.

It looks like it is an issue specific to jruby.

With rspec-1.1.11 and jruby-1.4

describe “line number” do
it “should be example one” do
true.should be_true
it “should be another example” do
true.should be_true

jruby-1.1.4/bin/jruby $GEM_HOME/bin/spec -l 2 $HOME/tmp/

Finished in 0.013457 seconds

0 examples, 0 failures

ruby $GEM_HOME/bin/spec -l 2 $HOME/tmp/linenumber_spec.rb

Finished in 0.006864 seconds

1 example, 0 failures
