Pagination in ajax

I am curently using rails version 2.1.1.
Currently i have done simple pagination using will_paginate works.but when i am trying pagination using ajax
with help of will_paginate plugin
it wont works.i am also using RemoteLinkRenderer helper,
but it gives an error uninitialized constant RemoteLinkRenderer.
can anyone provide any tutorial or sample code so that i can implement
pagination using ajax with will_paginate plugin or anything else.


Add the following code to view_helpers.rb .The file is in
vendor/plugins/will_paginate/lib/will_paginate(if you are using plugin)

def page_link_or_span(page, span_class = ‘current’, text = nil)
text ||= page.to_s
if page and page != current_page
if update = @options[:update]
@template.link_to_remote text, :update => update, :url =>
@template.link_to text, url_options(page)
@template.content_tag :span, text, :class => span_class

Then for ajax pagination in view do like
<%= will_paginate @thecollectionyouwanttopaginate, :update=>‘div’,
:container => false %>

And for normal pagination do what you are currenly doing


Sijo Kg wrote:

Add the following code to view_helpers.rb .The file is in
vendor/plugins/will_paginate/lib/will_paginate(if you are using plugin)

def page_link_or_span(page, span_class = ‘current’, text = nil)
text ||= page.to_s
if page and page != current_page
if update = @options[:update]
@template.link_to_remote text, :update => update, :url =>
@template.link_to text, url_options(page)
@template.content_tag :span, text, :class => span_class

Then for ajax pagination in view do like
<%= will_paginate @thecollectionyouwanttopaginate, :update=>‘div’,
:container => false %>

And for normal pagination do what you are currenly doing

Thanks for ur suggestion,but i am not using will_paginate plugin.
I use mislav will_paginate,can i use same code as above,
since there is no plugin inside vendor/plugin.any suggestion

Sijo Kg wrote:

If u use gem install to install will_paginate the library files you
can find inside /usr/lib/ruby/gems/#versionNo/gems/ (For linux) for
windows you have to find out where the location…I think in
You can find all the installed gems there .And go to will_paginate
directory there Inside that go to lib directory .There you can find out
the required file…



i apply all these code ,but it is not working as i need.
i want only particular div is replaced but total page
is is my code.
in controller::
@user = User.paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => 2
in view ::

<% for usr in @user%> <% end %>

<%= will_paginate @user, :update=>‘GeneralDiv’,
:container => false %>

<%=usr.user_name%> <%= link_to_remote 'Edit User', :update => 'GeneralDiv', :complete => "'GeneralDiv');", :url => "/userinfo/edituser/#{}" %> <%= link_to_remote 'Delete User', :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :update => 'GeneralDiv', :complete => "'GeneralDiv');", :url => "/userinfo/deleteuser/#{}" %>
and i also apply ur code in view_helpers.rb. i attach this file.

any suggestion,


Which version of gem r u using?
In controller you can do like
@user = User.paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => 2
and in view you can do
<%= will_paginate
:container => false %>

I dont know why you use :complete=>“‘GeneralDiv’);”

Also pass the params (if any) to will_paginate in view…And restart
your server also.


Sijo Kg wrote:


Which version of gem r u using?
In controller you can do like
@user = User.paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => 2
and in view you can do
<%= will_paginate
:container => false %>

I dont know why you use :complete=>“‘GeneralDiv’);”

Also pass the params (if any) to will_paginate in view…And restart
your server also.


but the problem is still pending.when i click on next page link,
total page is refresh like normal pagination.
here is my code,

<%= will_paginate @user, :update=>‘GeneralDiv’,
:container => false %>
can i call the same function ‘showuser’ every time .
the div is replaced after refreshing of total page,can i stop
this page refresing,this is not possible using this code.
beside that i am using rails version 2.1.1.
Any suggestion?

If u use gem install to install will_paginate the library files you
can find inside /usr/lib/ruby/gems/#versionNo/gems/ (For linux) for
windows you have to find out where the location…I think in
You can find all the installed gems there .And go to will_paginate
directory there Inside that go to lib directory .There you can find out
the required file…


On 29 Oct 2008, at 09:56, Subhadip Chakraborty wrote:

beside that i am using rails version 2.1.1.
I just don’t understand why people want to make it so hard on
themselves. I know for a fact that will_paginate wraps the pagination
links in a

with a class you can use, called “pagination”. In
your application.js file, you just put the following (I’ve also
provided a link to a syntax highlighted pastie below, easier to read):

document.observe(“dom:loaded”, function() {
// pagination is the class will_paginate wraps around the links
// let’s keep the number of observers limited to one, your browser
will thank you
$$(‘.pagination’).observe(‘click’, function(e) {
var clicked = $(;
// time to see if the clicked item was indeed one of the links
if(clicked.match(‘a’)) {
// if it was, stop the default page refresh and fire an ajax
request instead
// let’s not forget a RESTful design wants use to use GET
instead of the default POST method
new Ajax.Request(clicked.href, {method: ‘get’});

The code is untested, but looks to me like I didn’t make a mistake.
You could even take the event delegation a bit further and put it on
the window element, but that’s up to you guys to experiment with.

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

On 29 Oct 2008, at 11:41, Peter De Berdt wrote:

will thank you

The code is untested, but looks to me like I didn’t make a mistake.
You could even take the event delegation a bit further and put it on
the window element, but that’s up to you guys to experiment with.

Memo to self: don’t write code while being ill, you make stupid
mistakes. Updated code that should work better (pastie has also been

document.observe(“dom:loaded”, function() {
// pagination is the class will_paginate wraps around the links
$$(‘.pagination’).each(function(pagination) {
// let’s put the observer on the div element and not all the
links, your browser will thank you
pagination.observe(‘click’, function(e) {
var clicked = $(;
// time to see if the clicked item was indeed one of the links
if(clicked.match(‘a’)) {
// if it was, stop the default page refresh and fire an ajax
request instead
// let’s not forget a RESTful design wants use to use GET
instead of the default POST method
new Ajax.Request(clicked.href, {method: ‘get’});

Best regards

Peter De Berdt