Rails 2.1.2

Posted by David October 23, 2008 @ 06:21 PM

Rails 2.1.2 includes the same two security fixes that we pushed
out for 2.0.x recently. We’re talking about a backport of the
offset/limit sanitization fix for Active Record and a fix against
header-injection when using user-contributed strings in
redirect_to (see Response Splitting for more information).

In addition, Rails 2.1.2 fixes the warning that users of RubyGems
1.3.0 were having with script/generate as well as a range of other
minor fixes. Enjoy!

As always, you can install with:
gem install rails --version 2.1.2

Les 50 ans du Lisp : http://www.lisp50.org

I had rails1.2.3… now I have installed with 2.1.1…It has some clashes
while migrating… its giving error of this kind.

On line #108 of public/500.html

106:   </tbody>
107:   </table>
108:   <%= end %>
109:   <!-- code for search ends -->
110: </td>

its directly going to error page… and displaying “500 Internal Server

Jean-François Trân wrote:

Ruby on Rails — Rails 2.1.2: Security, other fixes

In addition, Rails 2.1.2 fixes the warning that users of RubyGems
1.3.0 were having with script/generate as well as a range of other
minor fixes. Enjoy!

As always, you can install with:
gem install rails --version 2.1.2

Les 50 ans du Lisp : http://www.lisp50.org