Handling nil.errors in error_messages_for

How do you deal with multiple objects in error_messages_for when one or
more may be nil?

For example:

<%= error_messages_for :object => [@account, @account.billing_detail,
@account.mailing_address, @account.billing_address] %>

Here, @account.billing_detail may be nil, and throw a NoMethodError.


Now, is @account a variable or a class? I could be way off in left
field, but it looks like your calling objects that should be from a
class. Variables should only be called by themselves typically.

On Oct 15, 3:59 pm, Mark R. [email protected]

@account is an instance of class Account.

Account has_one BillingDetail
Account has_one MailingAddress
Account has_one BillingAddress

My issue is how to deal with nil references on the has_one associations.
To my knowledge, the above syntax is the only way to deal with error
messages in a multi-model form. I could have also done this:

<%= error_messages_for :object => [@account, @billing_detail,
@mailing_address, @billing_address] %>

having set these class variables in the controller, but that does not
solve the nil issue.


Mark R. wrote:

How do you deal with multiple objects in error_messages_for when one or
more may be nil?

For example:

<%= error_messages_for :object => [@account, @account.billing_detail,
@account.mailing_address, @account.billing_address] %>

Here, @account.billing_detail may be nil, and throw a NoMethodError.


i don’t know why you are trying in this way

anyway try this
<%= error_messages_for :object => [@account, @account.billing_detail,
@account.mailing_address, @account.billing_address].compact %>


That worked! Thank you…had no idea you could do that…guess I should
learn more Ruby :slight_smile:

anyway try this
<%= error_messages_for :object => [@account, @account.billing_detail,
@account.mailing_address, @account.billing_address].compact %>


Mark R. wrote:

had no idea you could do that…
why ?

Sniper A. wrote:

Mark R. wrote:

had no idea you could do that…
why ?

Why did I have no idea??