Does nginx handle proxying chunked encoding PUT requests


I’m using nginx as a proxy for my webdav library which is still in
development (hence leaning on nginx for things like gzip and basic
auth) and I noticed a weird behaviour with clients that PUT data using
chunked encoding. I don’t have the full request data with me but the
trace goes something like this

client -> nginx

PUT /something HTTP/1.1
Content-Encoding: chunked

nginx -> application
PUT /something HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0

My question is, does nginx support chunked encoded request bodies, and
if not, how hard would it be to make that possible?



My question is, does nginx support chunked encoded request bodies, and if
not, how hard would it be to make that possible?

It doesn’t at the moment :frowning:

Apparently it requires input filters to be implemented. I don’t know if
has got anywhere with input filters yet ???
