FYI: One small step for GNU Radio


In what I assume is a first for GNU Radio, open source Google Lunar X
Prize contestant Team FREDNET, is planning to use GNU Radio on board
their spacecraft to the Moon.

I’ve just written an article about a ‘communications lab’ the team has
recently set up with GNU Radio software and hardware from Ettus R.

The efforts to integrate GNU Radio in Team FREDNET’s systems is led by
Alexandru C… Team FREDNET is an international open source effort led
by Fred J. Bourgeois. Volunteers are welcome to join:

Best regards,

Anders F. [email protected]

On Sun, 2008-10-12 at 16:19 +0200, Anders F. wrote:


In what I assume is a first for GNU Radio, open source Google Lunar X
Prize contestant Team FREDNET, is planning to use GNU Radio on board
their spacecraft to the Moon.

Neat for GnuRadio.

Regarding LunarX, to me anything to do with the Moon just isn’t aiming
high enough. Why not a repair mission to a satellite if we’re
going to stay so close to home anyway? Or the Chandra, Hubble, space
station, etc. Space exploration is just stalled. Sad. …but I digress.