Simple app - problems w/ routes

I’m trying to get the backbone of a rails project up and running
on localhost and also on a rails playground hosted site.

On localhost the app runs great and I can call my say/hello w/ either:
http://localhost:3000/controller/say/hello or

but when I try this on my rails playground site I get this when I call
the say/hello like this:

ActionView::MissingTemplate (Missing template say/hello.html.erb in view
path /home/c73mr0ck/railsapp/app/views):
raise_missing_template_exception' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.1.1/lib/action_view/template.rb:78:in set_extension_and_file_name’

And I get this when I call the say/hello like this:

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches “/controller/say/hello”
with {:method=>:get}):
recognize_path' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.1.1/lib/action_controller/routing/route_set.rb:384:in recognize’

My controller code looks like this

class SayController < ApplicationController
  def hello

And my routes.rb code looks like this:

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
  map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'
  map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format'

One thing that could be causing a big problem is that on localhost, my
rails version is: Rails 1.2.6

and on the Rails Playground hosting the version is: Rails 2.1.1

Any ideas how I can get this to work in both places?


On Oct 10, 10:10 am, Clem R. [email protected]

Posted via
You can try freezing your version of Rails into your app.

rake rails:freeze:gems

Now after a bit of tech support I now get this when I go to:


Expected /home/c73mr0ck/railsapp/app/controllers/say_controller.rb to 
define SayController

and I get this when I go to:

no route found to match "/controller/say/hello" with {:method=>:get}

It all seemed so simple at first…
Edit/Delete Message

Freddy A. wrote:

Wow there are just so many issues…

First I would highly recommend that you have the same rails version in
both environments… Is there a reason why you want 1.2.6 on one
machine and 2.1 on a different machine? These versions are very
different and I’m sure you will find numerous of issues using the same
app on 1.2 and 2.1…

Next the routing:
In your routes you have


Which should be

localhost/say/hello (the localhost/controller/say/hello Not sure how
that works in your local environment)

Did you change the rails version in your environment.rb file when you
tested the code on the other env.?

Could you show your app/controllers/say_controller.rb here?

Thanks for getting back to me on this.

In both my local and remote environment.rb file I have the rails version
set ast this:


Unfortunately, for our main work project, we are running our app on a
1.2.6 rails version so it’s safer to run all other apps on this version
as well on localhost.

Here’s my SayController code:

class SayController < ApplicationController
def hello

Wow there are just so many issues…

First I would highly recommend that you have the same rails version in
both environments… Is there a reason why you want 1.2.6 on one
machine and 2.1 on a different machine? These versions are very
different and I’m sure you will find numerous of issues using the same
app on 1.2 and 2.1…

Next the routing:
In your routes you have


Which should be

localhost/say/hello (the localhost/controller/say/hello Not sure how
that works in your local environment)

Did you change the rails version in your environment.rb file when you
tested the code on the other env.?

Could you show your app/controllers/say_controller.rb here?

I finally just updated my local copy of ruby to 2.1.1. This got
me up and running both locally and remotely.

Now I have a problem w/ my main project. In that project I have frozen
rails and also, the environment.rb file sets the rails version to 1.2.6
with this:


The project works for the most part but I am experiencing problems w/
constants being defined and I’m getting errors like:

 LoadError in Fan_reach#index

Showing app/views/fan_reach/index.rhtml where line #79 raised:


Is there any way to check if this project is truly frozen to 1.2.6?