Problems with Reed-solomon and Viterbi encoders


my name is Alvaro P… For the last few months I’ve been working
with the GNU Radio architecture and now I’m having some troubles
understanding a part of it. I hope somebody can give me a hand.

My problem is related to the Reed-solomon and Viterbi components. In
the trunk they are placed in the folder /gnuradio-core/src/lib/viterbi
and /gnuradio-core/src/lib/reed-solomon respectively, well, I suppose
you already know this :). The thing is that I see that there is not
any .i swig file associated to these two implementations in those
directories. So I can’t find they way of using them when I create my
flow graph with Python.

Maybe this is an easy issue, but I’m really struggling with it.

Any help would be very very appreciated.


Alvaro P.

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 5:20 AM, Alvaro P. [email protected]

My problem is related to the Reed-solomon and Viterbi components. In
the trunk they are placed in the folder /gnuradio-core/src/lib/viterbi
and /gnuradio-core/src/lib/reed-solomon respectively, well, I suppose
you already know this :). The thing is that I see that there is not
any .i swig file associated to these two implementations in those
directories. So I can’t find they way of using them when I create my
flow graph with Python.

Neither of these components are designed as GNU Radio blocks, but are
to be used as traditional C++ functions you can call from within your
own custom C++ signal processing blocks.

Johnathan C.
Corgan Enterprises LLC