Ferret wildcard search

Hello community,

using ferret 0.11.5 under Win2003 Server i got the following error:

Searching: “Zürich” works fine
Searching: “Zuerich*” works fine
Searching: “Zürich*” returns 0 results

Every “Umlaut” like “üä” including a wildcard leads to zero results.

I am exporting data from an UTF8 database to a ferret index. Everything
works fine, except the shown problem. Tried also different
Ferret.locales - same result.

Thank you very much for every help,

require ‘ferret’
require ‘active_record’
require ‘yaml’
require ‘iconv’
include Ferret

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

#database with UTF8-general, search user
db_config =
user = User.find(:first, :conditions => [‘uid= ?’, ‘jschneid’])

#create new ferret index
field_infos = Index::FieldInfos.new()

#create new ferret index
ferret_configuration = {
:path =>
:handle_parse_errors => true,
:default_search_field => ‘*’,
:analyzer => Analysis::StandardAnalyzer.new,
:wild_lower => true

index = Index::Index.new(ferret_configuration)

#update index
doc = Hash.new(user.id)
doc[‘city’] = user.city
doc[‘uid’] = user.uid

index << doc

#result: OK
value = “Zürich”
value = Iconv.conv(‘utf-8’, ‘ISO-8859-1’, value)
puts (index.search(value).total_hits)

#result: 0 -> error
value = “Zürich*”
value = Iconv.conv(‘utf-8’, ‘ISO-8859-1’, value)
puts (index.search(value).total_hits)