Mongrel not connecting

I upgraded my system to new version… now if i run the mongrel it is
Starting Rails with development environment…

  * config.breakpoint_server has been deprecated and has no effect.
  • *******************************************************************

and it is not loading my application… please help me…

Hema G. wrote:

I upgraded my system to new version… now if i run the mongrel it is
Starting Rails with development environment…

  * config.breakpoint_server has been deprecated and has no effect.
  • *******************************************************************

and it is not loading my application… please help me…

You might get this error if you’re using Rails Edge:
config.breakpoint_server has been deprecated and has no effect:

To fix the error we need to remove the following from

1 config.breakpoint_server = true

Next install ruby-debug:

1 gem install ruby-debug

Then add this to the end of config/environments/development.rb:

1 require ‘ruby-debug’

Next, start your server, and the error should be gone…

To debug your code just add a call to debugger:

1 class MySillySpace …
2 def create
3 debugger # add this line
4 end

vamsi krishna.

Hema G. wrote:

I upgraded my system to new version… now if i run the mongrel it is
Starting Rails with development environment…

  * config.breakpoint_server has been deprecated and has no effect.
  • *******************************************************************

and it is not loading my application… please help me…

recommend use mod_rails