Tutorial multi search with ferret?


I would like to use the plugin act_as_ferret for a multiple search in
different model, I’ve found some examples on web but only for one model.
Does someone know a nice tutorial for search in multiple models?

Thanks in advance,

Hi, I don’t know of any, but here’s a quick example of what to put in
your controller to get you started (you can also hack through the plugin
code to work out how it does it):

#we want a paginated list of results for the view:
@results = ActsAsFerret::find(params[:query],
[Model1, Model2, Model3, Model4],
{:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10},
#active record options (can be empty)
{:conditions => {:model_1 => “model 1 conditions”,
:model_2 => “model 2 conditions”

san 1981 wrote:


I would like to use the plugin act_as_ferret for a multiple search in
different model, I’ve found some examples on web but only for one model.
Does someone know a nice tutorial for search in multiple models?

Thanks in advance,