.css.erb files?

hi, with Rails 2.0, we have view templates with the new .html.erb
extensions, but can also have .css.erb files.

does this mean i can put my css files inside my view templates like
screen.css.erb or have i got the wrong end of the stick,

appreciate anyones answer on this,

stylesheet files should live in public/stylesheets and should be linked
by using <%= stylesheet_link_tag “name” %> in the layout of your site,
inside a tag.

On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 12:12 AM, John G. <
[email protected]> wrote:

Ryan B.

Feel free to add me to MSN and/or GTalk as this email.

i haven’t used it yet,
but i think that it’s more about using erb code within your css file,
which would allow to give them some nice things like user selectable
color sets

.menu {
color: <%= @user.settings.text_color; %>
background: <%= @user.settings.bg_color; %>;

hmm, i can think about a lot of stuff to do with it if it works that

Maybe you could store the user’s color selections in a sort of “user
preferences” model (which is what I’ve done with other user info).

I track the user’s preferred “page length” (rows per page in an index
view), “sort order” per model (saves their current sort columns and
order when they logout so its the same when they come back).

I was just thinking about colors the other day - one co-worker doesn’t
see certain blue hues - “What highlight?” he asks…

Perhaps a “standard” stylesheet with my colors, then a stylesheet M-V-C
that can maintain a css file per user, and some simple file selection
logic in the main layout. Hmm…

Oh, and kuler.adobe.com is a great source for manufacturing/finding
color schemes…

yep, Thorsten, would be pretty cool to have dynamic css files, don’t
think it works this way just confused by the extension.

maybe it’s similar to haml?

You can dynamically link a css file (contra Radar ^^^) by using yield
and content_for

In the layout:

... <%= yield :head %>

In the *.html.erb
<% content_for :head do %>
<% stylesheet_link_tag :page_specific_styles
<% end %>

Of course, if you needed page specific, dynamic css you could put a
style tag inside your content_for :head.

On Apr 29, 12:27 pm, Ar Chron [email protected]

John G. wrote:

yep, Thorsten, would be pretty cool to have dynamic css files, don’t
think it works this way just confused by the extension.

maybe it’s similar to haml?

You just have to think about how we normally find stylesheets,
namely we link to a file located at “/stylesheets/blah.css”

normally this looks for a static file in “/public/stylesheets/blah.css”

but try adding a controller called Stylesheets.

now rails routing will look for a method called “blah” on the

try it,
tweak it,
cache it…

proper dynamic css.

thanks, i’ll have a bash and see how it goes.

appreciate this,
