Ruby syntax in "respond_to do |format| line -- can clarify?

Hi All,

I’m new to both Ruby and Rails (I come from an ASP.NET | Open-source web framework for .NET background,
mainly, and I also have done a fair amount of PHP). I’m looking at
these lines from my controller:

respond_to do |format|
  format.html # index.html.erb
  format.xml  { render :xml => @posts }

And I just can’t quite get my head around it completely. I know the end
result is that it renders different types of output. But I don’t
understand how it’s executing. I read the docs here:

Which states:

" method_call do [|' expr...|'] expr…end

The method may be invoked with the block (do … end or {…}). The method
may be evaluate back that block from inside of the invocation. The
methods that calls back the blocks are sometimes called as iterators.
The evaluation of the block from iterator is done by yield. "

But I still don’t understand where |format| is coming from, or what it’s
doing. From what I’ve seen in Ruby, I think of something like |format|
as being part of a foreach type block. As in “possible_formats.each do

So this is what I’m seeing in my head when I look at that block:

for(format in ???)
respond_to(format.html) # index.html.erb will be rendered by default
respond_to(format.xml , { render :xml => @posts })

But that can’t be right, because there’s nothing for ??? to be resolved

Can someone help clear this up for me?

result is that it renders different types of output. But I don’t
for(format in ???)
respond_to(format.html) # index.html.erb will be rendered by default
respond_to(format.xml , { render :xml => @posts })

But that can’t be right, because there’s nothing for ??? to be resolved

Can someone help clear this up for me?


respond_to is the method, it provides the block with the format object.
Within the block, you are calling the methods html and xml on the format
object supplied.
Rather than a loop, the block is more like a callback function that
accepts a format object as a parameter.
The format object now understands that it can respond with either html
or xml output.
Rails then uses the Accepts header of the calling client (browser etc)
to decide which of the formats to return.
You can also append .html or .xml to the url to force one or the other

Hope that helps

Andrew T.
[email protected]
082 415 8283
skype: andrewtimberlake

“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.”
–Mark Twain

On 17 Jan 2008, at 16:21, Joshua Beall wrote:

“possible_formats.each do

Take heart, the code isn’t entirely obvious if you’re unfamiliar with

The format between the pipes (“|format|”) at the start of the block
is a block variable. It could be called anything though the
convention is to use “format”. When respond_to was first introduced
lots of people used “wants” to make the code in the block read nicely
and it almost prevailed.

Anyway, the block variable is set within the respond_to method:

module ActionController
module MimeResponds
module InstanceMethods

   def respond_to(*types, &block)
     raise ArgumentError, "respond_to takes either types or a

block, never both" unless types.any? ^ block
block ||= lambda { |responder| types.each { |type|
responder.send(type) } }
responder =

   class Responder
     # ...



The &block in the respond_to method’s signature is set to the
do…end block from your snippet. The first two lines of the method
are irrelevant to your situation. The third line creates an object
that can respond appropriately to different mime types. The fourth
line is the one you’re interested in: it executes the block, passing
in the responder object.

So if you look at your block again:

do |format|

…and you imagine executing it as a method, the block variable,
format, should look like a method argument. Accordingly it is set to
the responder object passed in by the line:

Thus the format.html and format.xml lines in the block are
sending :html and :xml messages to the object in format, i.e. to
responder. As it happens responder doesn’t have an html method, nor
an xml method, so these calls are handled by its method_missing method.

I recommend reading up on blocks and procs. Here’s one article to
get you started:

Andy S.

Andrew S. wrote:

On 17 Jan 2008, at 16:21, Joshua Beall wrote:
So if you look at your block again:

do |format|

…and you imagine executing it as a method, the block variable,
format, should look like a method argument. Accordingly it is set to
the responder object passed in by the line:

Ok, I think I’m with you. Correspondingly that would mean that I can
replace this

respond_to do |format|
  format.html # index.html.erb
  format.xml  { render :xml => @posts }

With this:

responder =
responder.xml { render :xml => @posts}

And it should work. And indeed it does. However, there are still
somethings I don’t understand. Why can’t I do this?

responder =
responder.xml( { render :xml => @posts} )

If I do that, I get the error (point to the line where I added

posts_controller.rb:9: syntax error, unexpected tSYMBEG, expecting kDO
or ‘{’ or ‘(’

It’s complaining about the symbol :xml.

Second, from this line here:

Can you help me understand this line:
block ||= lambda { |responder| types.each { |type| responder.send(type)
} }

It looks like it would be overwriting the “block” parameter of the
“respond_to” method – and yet apparently it is not?

Joshua Beall wrote:

…and you imagine executing it as a method, the block variable,
format.html # index.html.erb
And it should work. And indeed it does. However, there are still
posts_controller.rb:9: syntax error, unexpected tSYMBEG, expecting kDO
or ‘{’ or ‘(’

It’s complaining about the symbol :xml.

In this case { render :xml => @posts} is being interpreted as a Hash,
not a block and that is messing things up for you.

Ruby doesn’t seem sure about how it should parse this for you. It could

{render(:xml) => @posts}


{render(:xml => @posts)} #throws a different error

In any case, it still thinks it is a Hash.


Justin C. wrote:

Joshua Beall wrote:

…and you imagine executing it as a method, the block variable,
format.html # index.html.erb
And it should work. And indeed it does. However, there are still
posts_controller.rb:9: syntax error, unexpected tSYMBEG, expecting kDO
or ‘{’ or ‘(’

It’s complaining about the symbol :xml.

In this case { render :xml => @posts} is being interpreted as a Hash,
not a block and that is messing things up for you.

So how do I construct the method call so that I can use parentheses?

On Jan 17, 2008 11:34 AM, Andrew T.
[email protected] wrote:

Andrew T.
[email protected]
082 415 8283
skype: andrewtimberlake

“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.”
–Mark Twain

To illustrate this in a very simple way…

the following method is akin to what is already defined by rails

(#respond_to, which is much more complicated, of course)
def foo( &block ) 42 )

the code you execute

foo do |number| # 42 is thrown into your block
puts number
puts number * 2

In a similar way, the object named “format” (or whatever you want to
name it) is thrown into your block by the framework.

At least, that’s how I think rails handles it. I’ve never used the
method recently, myself, and unfortunately I don’t have rails handy at
the moment.


On 17 Jan 2008, at 20:11, Joshua Beall wrote:

However, there are still
somethings I don’t understand. Why can’t I do this?

responder.xml( { render :xml => @posts} )

The syntax for a new hash and the syntax for a block can look the
same – { … } – so you have to help Ruby’s interpreter deduce
which one you want.

Your line above says send the :xml message (i.e. call the xml method)
with a new hash as the argument. (Assuming that the result of render
(:xml => @posts) can be constructed as a hash.)

It doesn’t work because the method that handles this call,
method_missing, doesn’t want a hash. It wants a block. So you need
to write this instead:

responder.xml() { render :xml => @ posts }

Or this:

responder.xml { render :xml => @posts }

Or this:

responder.xml do
render :xml => @posts


How do we know Responder’s method_missing wants a block? From its

def method_missing(symbol, &block)

The way method_missing works in Ruby, the symbol argument is set to
the symbolised name of the method that’s missing. In your case, this
is :xml. The only other argument specified is &block, so that’s what
the method_missing needs.

“respond_to” method – and yet apparently it is not?
The ||= syntax is equivalent to += and friends. In the same way that :-

this: x += 1
is shorthand for: x = (x + 1)

You can see that :-

this: block ||= …
is shorthand for: block = (block || … )

So it means set block to … unless it’s already set to something.
In your situation respond_to is called with a block, so the line
doesn’t change anything. The line is there to set the block variable
if respond_to is called with an array instead of a block.

Andy S.

Ok, I follow all that now. Thanks for the clarification!

However, there’s still one question I have. Why is this:

respond_to do |format|
  format.html # index.html.erb
  format.xml  { render :xml => @posts }

Any better than this:

responder =
responder.xml { self.render( :xml => @posts) }

As best I can tell the accomplish the very same thing…?


responder.xml { self.render( :xml => @posts) }

As best I can tell the accomplish the very same thing…?


Because the first one leaves Rails to deal with the responder and in the
second, you’re taking control.

Andrew T.
[email protected]
082 415 8283
skype: andrewtimberlake

“I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.”
–Mark Twain

Joshua Beall wrote:

It’s complaining about the symbol :xml.

In this case { render :xml => @posts} is being interpreted as a Hash,
not a block and that is messing things up for you.

So how do I construct the method call so that I can use parentheses?

There is really no reason to do so in most cases, but you can if you
really want:

responder =
l = lambda { render :xml => @posts}

The “&” (in this case) says “make this the block that gets passed to the

I believe you could also do:

responder.xml(&lambda { render :xml => @posts } )

responder.xml(& { render :xml => @posts } )

But, again, this is not the normal way to do it. You can sort of tell,
because it is much more awkward than

responder.xml { render :xml => @posts }

Hope that helps some.


On 18 Jan 2008, at 17:23, Joshua Beall wrote:

Ok, I follow all that now. Thanks for the clarification!

You’re welcome!

Blocks are a wonderful feature of Ruby.

Andy S.