Updated Todolist tutorial

Still not fully finished but significantly expanded. There’s amongst
other stuff a whole new chapter on Elements.

Since I’m calling it a day here it is for now.

I switched back from Mercurial to SVN for the doc repo because it’s
easier for me to manage

svn co http://code.arnebrasseur.net/marky
svn co http://code.arnebrasseur.net/nitro_doc

If the marky/docbook stuff is puzzling just yell. If you want commit
access for e.g. fixing typos let me know.


Ein Fuchs muß tun, was ein Fuchs tun muß
[email protected]

Thank you!


George M. schreef:

Thank you!
No problem :wink:

This time with the PDF.


Arne B. wrote:

If the marky/docbook stuff is puzzling just yell. If you want commit
access for e.g. fixing typos let me know.


after installing from svn, what are the steps to generate the

Reid T. schreef:

Arne B. wrote:

svn co http://code.arnebrasseur.net/marky
svn co http://code.arnebrasseur.net/nitro_doc

If the marky/docbook stuff is puzzling just yell. If you want commit
access for e.g. fixing typos let me know.

after installing from svn, what are the steps to generate the documentation
In marky/trunk you can do a “rake package”, in the pkg/ directory you
afterwards will find the marky gem. Install it (gem install marky) and
you get the “marky” command.

All the rest I suddenly realise I already explained in the first draft
of the Nitro Documention Documentian, a.k.a. the metadoc. So without
further ado here goes.

You’ll need an xslt processor. xsltproc was easy to install on my ubuntu
system so that’s the one I’m referring to. Saxon should do the same job,
and there are others.

For PDF output you need something that can convert XML-FO to PDF, I use
Apache Fop for this which I had to install by hand, it’s not packaged
for Debian/Ubuntu.

Hope this helps,

Just a thought regarding something small to add to the tutorial – error
handling for empty task fields which reloads the page and displays the
message. I’m assuming this would be small, anyway. :slight_smile:


Yes, you’re right. Error handling will be covered in one of the final


Matthew B Gardner schreef: