Mysql DBD and DBI -- affected_rows

I posted this on c.l.ruby a few hours back, but don’t see it here. I
registered and and posting here. So, bear with me if this has been
discussed before. I have been writing a few classes in ruby based on DBI
(version 0.1.0). I have only used Mysql driver so far. I have a few
questions related to DBI.

  1. The DBI StatementHandle class seems to be encapsulating a cursor. Or
    it just me? For example, there is no way to repeatedly use a
    object with different SQL statements.

  2. There is no way to get affected_rows on a queries (e.g. update,
    etc.) that don’t return results. There is a affected_rows on
    but not on StatementHandle.

  3. There is a StatementHandle#fetch_array method, but no
    StatementHandle#bind_array method. bind_array method would be useful
    inserting/updating more than one row at a time.

These are really not questions, but I am just trying to find out if I
