Page attachments update/bugfix


I have fixed the problem with the <r:attachment:each> tag that you were
all experiencing. One would think that having written at least a dozen
iterators for various extensions that I would remember this small
concept that I missed. My apologies. You may have seen a “#” in the
output, but that was just the result of Ruby turning an Array full of
attachments into a string, i.e. calling .to_s on each one in turn. This
will produce something like the following:


Hence the quasi-random # in the output. Instead, I needed to push the
output of each iteration into a string. headdesk

Please update your copy of page_attachments if you need this


Sean C. wrote:

I have fixed the problem with the <r:attachment:each> tag that you were
all experiencing.

I’m getting “can’t convert nil into String” output for both of the
<r:attachment:each><r:link /></r:attachment:each>
<r:attachment:each><r:attachment:link /></r:attachment:each>

Sean C. wrote:
I have fixed the problem with the <r:attachment:each> tag that you were
all experiencing.

David P. wrote:
I’m getting “can’t convert nil into String” output for both of the
<r:attachment:each><r:link /></r:attachment:each>
<r:attachment:each><r:attachment:link /></r:attachment:each>

I should add that the usual <r:attachment:link name=“xxxxx” /> works

Is the page attachments extension fully operational now - I need to use
the tag

