Disk space management

Do you guys have any recommendations on how do i go about handling the
function of giving my registered users on my website some disk space?
I’m running a ruby website on a Fedora Core 5 Linux machine, and after
my users register, I want to be able to let them upload some files, and
display it as a link for download later. My intention is for it to work
like a web host, which my users can ftp and upload files, and download
the files from a web page later on.

Hope I’m not asking something which is too difficult to do, as i’m still
quite new to ruby.



my users register, I want to be able to let them upload some files, and
display it as a link for download later. My intention is for it to work

this reviews three famous upload plugins. btw, i have file_column, but
i’d reccomend against it, as it is old, and not being developed any
longer. anyway, hope u find this somewhat useful:
