Invalid RSS feed

I’m having some trouble with my Typo blog’s RSS feed
( The feed validator
shows the following error:
Feed Validator Results:

Basically, within the “” tags, whatever script generates the xml
file is putting my username/display name/etc. (“Gilly”) instead of my
email address. RSS 2.0 specifications say that an email address should
be within the “” tags, so this is obviously a problem.

There are two ways of fixing this. One way is to edit the file that
generates the xml file so that my email address is inserted within the
“” tags, and the other is to edit it so that the “” tag
itself is replaced by the “dc:creator” tag, so the line in the file
would look like “dc:creatorGilly</dc:creator>”.

Unfortunately, I don’t know how to do either. Can anyone give me some
advice so I can generate a valid RSS feed?

Adam G.

Adam G. wrote:

Adam G.

Typo-list mailing list
[email protected]

Seems I managed to fix it. In app/views/xml, there’s a file
“_rss20_item_article.rxml”. In there was the line “author = rescue”. This was the problem line, so I
changed it to ‘author = “” rescue’ and now
my feed validates.

Interestingly, there was a line below it which read “email = rescue nil”. I tried using “” when fixing
the above error (so the line read “author = rescue
author”) but this did not have the desired effect of inserting my email
address in the author tags of the RSS feed, so I had to define the
“author” variable as my email address as a string. I’m not sure what’s
wrong here; does everyone else’s feed validate?

On 7/20/07, Adam G. [email protected] wrote:

Adam G. wrote:

Interestingly, there was a line below it which read “email = rescue nil”. I tried using “” when fixing
the above error (so the line read “author = rescue
author”) but this did not have the desired effect of inserting my email
address in the author tags of the RSS feed, so I had to define the
“author” variable as my email address as a string. I’m not sure what’s
wrong here; does everyone else’s feed validate?

Did you set your email address in your user profile?

Rick DeNatale

My blog on Ruby

Rick DeNatale wrote:

address in the author tags of the RSS feed, so I had to define the
“author” variable as my email address as a string. I’m not sure what’s
wrong here; does everyone else’s feed validate?

Did you set your email address in your user profile?

Actually - I just noticed something. I had 11 or 12 articles in my blog,
but the validator only returned 7 or 8 errors. I had inserted 7 or 8
articles from my old blog via converting them using the rss.rb converter

  • and by default they had “NULL” as their user id. Maybe even though I
    then set their user id to be “1”, there’s some quirk which means it’s
    not recognised, as I notice that under my user profile page in the admin
    section it says I’ve only published 3 articles (all of which I’ve
    published via the Typo admin system). Oh well, it’s not the end of the
    world having my “author” variable set as a string instead of as
    “”. I guess we can say this “problem” is fixed now, as I
    get a valid feed so all is well.

Rick DeNatale wrote:

address in the author tags of the RSS feed, so I had to define the
“author” variable as my email address as a string. I’m not sure what’s
wrong here; does everyone else’s feed validate?

Did you set your email address in your user profile?

I did, and I also double checked in phpmyAdmin - my email address is in
the “users” table, and every article has the “1” entry under the “users”
field of the “contents” table.

Quoting A. Gill [email protected], who spaketh thusly:

get a valid feed so all is well.
Same here, with the PostgreSQL database as well. Basically I added a
bunch of old posts directly to the database (not through Typo) and
despite having the exact same data as all the other items in the
contents table, they are also generating RSS feed entries sans email.

Where is the difference here? From the database perspective, I can’t

– Mitch