DRM receive


did somebody try to use gnuradio for receiving DRM (Digital Radio
It seems to me that neither M-QAM demodulation nor the apropriate audio
is presently implemented in gnuradio, however, the DRM program “dream”
an option --fileio, which should be able to replace the sound card as
the source
of the IF samples. So I think until everything is available in gnuradio,
it should be possible to do the RF processing with gnuradio (using
and some preamplifier) and feed the frequency-translated data to dream,
which would do the rest.
Does anybody know the format of the data which dream --fileio expects?
Did somebody try this approach before, with/without success?

Best regards,


Jiri Pittner wrote:

Did somebody try this approach before, with/without success?
Yes I tried it.
Yes it works.

I think the format was complex signed 16 bit integer (complex short)
(every sample is one signed 16 bit I value and one 16 bit signed Q

You can make these samples with

you can connect a gnuradio script to the drm receiver app with a pipe
(use mkfifo for that)


mkfifo my_drm_fifo

./usrp_receive_drm_samples_to_file.py --output-filename=my_drm_fifo

in another console
./drm --fileio my_drm_fifo

You can also search the gnuradio mailinglist for more info