lightTPD vs Apache?

I am working on a project and we are trying to decide on a good
production environment. The current line of thinking is LightTPD,
FastCGI, and Rails running on CentOS 5. However, I was wondering if
anyone had any experience with this combination or had a suggestion as
to a better environment (Apache, etc.)

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

On Jul 17, 2007, at 11:00 AM, rails.impaired wrote:

I am working on a project and we are trying to decide on a good
production environment. The current line of thinking is LightTPD,
FastCGI, and Rails running on CentOS 5. However, I was wondering if
anyone had any experience with this combination or had a suggestion as
to a better environment (Apache, etc.)

Let me be the first to recommend nginx + mongrel. :slight_smile:

– Tom M., CTO
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