Deleting ALL info for a user in many tables?

I have this model called “User.” In the user model I have many relations
hips such as:

has_many :creditcards
has_many :airlinememberships

and in my airlinemembership model I have

belongs_to :user

Now, what I would like to do is to delete not only the user but also the
airlinmembership info asssocciated with that user when a delete action
occurs. Now, I suppose I could do a find_by_id( ) to go through
all the tables and destroy all assocciated info, but I’m thinkin that
there has to be an easier way in RoR. Plus, there are many many tables
that a user may have info in which make the code not ugly but certaintly

Also, I know about the rails framework API:,
but it seems like this site fails to really explain all the attributes
that can be used in a helper method, for example. I was wondering if
anyone knows of a better site that explains maybe a little better or
might provide some better examples? Thanks all,


Shandy N. wrote:

I have this model called “User.” In the user model I have many relations
hips such as:

has_many :creditcards
has_many :airlinememberships

and in my airlinemembership model I have

belongs_to :user

Now, what I would like to do is to delete not only the user but also the
airlinmembership info asssocciated with that user when a delete action
occurs. Now, I suppose I could do a find_by_id( ) to go through
all the tables and destroy all assocciated info, but I’m thinkin that
there has to be an easier way in RoR. Plus, there are many many tables
that a user may have info in which make the code not ugly but certaintly

Also, I know about the rails framework API:,
but it seems like this site fails to really explain all the attributes
that can be used in a helper method, for example. I was wondering if
anyone knows of a better site that explains maybe a little better or
might provide some better examples? Thanks all,


Couldn’t you just use the foreign key and set the option cascade on
delete? So that way, any record that has your client_id would be
deleted. I hope this helps.

has_many :airlinememberships, :dependent => :destroy

That should do the trick. Look it up for more info.

–Tyler P.

I did the cascade on delete but the :dependent => :destroy is what I was
looking for. Thanks you guys, either way it works perfectly.
