Render :partial in RJS problem

Hello, i am trying to update a :partial in rjs like this:

render :update do |p|
  p.visual_effect :fade, "info"
  p.replace_html "info", :partial => 'prod_id'
  p.visual_effect :highlight , "info"

but it present this error:

try { Element.update(“info”, "
"); new Effect.Highlight(“info”,{}); } catch (e) { alert(‘RJS
error:\n\n’ + e.toString()); alert(‘Element.update(“info”, "
\nEdgar test
\n \n
\n \n
");\nnew Effect.Highlight(“info”,{});’); throw e }

If i render :partial alone, it cames good, but i want to add some
effects, how could i do that?

Check whether there is an “:update =>” atatement in the the
submit_to_remote tag. If so delete it. This will remove the error.