Problems after gem update

Hi, I had ferret working wonderfully but i am regretting doing a gem
update today.
I had alot of trouble first installing it and was really happy to have
it working. The upgrade was from 0.3.1 to 0.4.0.
The problem is;
in the rails console,

@results = Book.find_by_contents(“peter pan”)
=> #<ActsAsFerret::SearchResults:0x487040c @total_hits=0, @results=[]>

Its indexing only null values!

and in the app(here’s the stack),

ArgumentError in SearchController#search

wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)

RAILS_ROOT: C:/INSTAN~1/rails_apps/clean/config/…
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace

ferret_enabled?' C:/INSTAN~1/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/acts_as_ferret-0.4.0/lib/local_index.rb:220:inreindex_model’
each' C:/INSTAN~1/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/acts_as_ferret-0.4.0/lib/local_index.rb:219:inreindex_model’
step' C:/INSTAN~1/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/acts_as_ferret-0.4.0/lib/local_index.rb:217:inreindex_model’
transaction' C:/INSTAN~1/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-1.15.3/lib/active_record/transactions.rb:95:intransaction’
reindex_model' C:/INSTAN~1/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/acts_as_ferret-0.4.0/lib/local_index.rb:47:inrebuild_index’
each' C:/INSTAN~1/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/acts_as_ferret-0.4.0/lib/local_index.rb:46:inrebuild_index’
ensure_index_exists' C:/INSTAN~1/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/acts_as_ferret-0.4.0/lib/local_index.rb:9:ininitialize’
new' C:/INSTAN~1/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/acts_as_ferret-0.4.0/lib/class_methods.rb:233:increate_index_instance’
aaf_index' C:/INSTAN~1/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/acts_as_ferret-0.4.0/lib/class_methods.rb:82:infind_id_by_contents’
ar_find_by_contents' C:/INSTAN~1/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/acts_as_ferret-0.4.0/lib/class_methods.rb:128:infind_records_lazy_or_not’
find_by_contents' #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/book.rb:100:infull_text_search’
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/search_controller.rb:12:in `search’

Help very much appreciated)

On Wed, Jul 04, 2007 at 03:19:29PM +0200, crissy crissy wrote:

Hi, I had ferret working wonderfully but i am regretting doing a gem
update today.
I had alot of trouble first installing it and was really happy to have
it working. The upgrade was from 0.3.1 to 0.4.0.

So you’re using acts_as_Ferret 0.4.0 now. What version of Ferret are you
running? I’d suggest 0.11.x .

Rebuilding your index might help also. How do the pieces of code where
you use acts_as_ferret look like? I’m not sure but there may have been
some API changes from 0.3.1 to 0.4 .


Jens Krämer
webit! Gesellschaft für neue Medien mbH
Schnorrstraße 76 | 01069 Dresden
Telefon +49 351 46766-0 | Telefax +49 351 46766-66
[email protected] |

Amtsgericht Dresden | HRB 15422
GF Sven Haubold, Hagen Malessa

Jens K. wrote:

On Wed, Jul 04, 2007 at 03:19:29PM +0200, crissy crissy wrote:

Hi, I had ferret working wonderfully but i am regretting doing a gem
update today.
I had alot of trouble first installing it and was really happy to have
it working. The upgrade was from 0.3.1 to 0.4.0.

So you’re using acts_as_Ferret 0.4.0 now. What version of Ferret are you
running? I’d suggest 0.11.x .

Rebuilding your index might help also. How do the pieces of code where
you use acts_as_ferret look like? I’m not sure but there may have been
some API changes from 0.3.1 to 0.4 .


Jens Kr�mer
webit! Gesellschaft f�r neue Medien mbH
Schnorrstra�e 76 | 01069 Dresden
Telefon +49 351 46766-0 | Telefax +49 351 46766-66
[email protected] |

Amtsgericht Dresden | HRB 15422
GF Sven Haubold, Hagen Malessa

Hi Jens,
Thankyou for your reply.
I’m running ferret 0.11.4
The code is just your stock standard AAF stuff(mostly stolen from the
railenvy tutorial;-)

def search
@query = params[:query]
if @query.blank?
flash[:error] = “Query was blank”
redirect_to(:action => ‘index’)
@total, @books = Book.full_text_search(@query, :page =>
@pages = pages_for(@total)
@total_hits = Book.total_hits(@query)

and in the Book Model;

   def self.full_text_search(q, options = {})
   return nil if q.nil? or q==""
   default_options = {:limit => 10, :page => 1}
   options = default_options.merge options
   # get the offset based on what page we're on
   options[:offset] = options[:limit] * 

# now do the query with our options
results = Book.find_by_contents(q, options)#, :conditions =>
return [results.total_hits, results]

I’m at a loss as to what to do.