Country list & file_field in other languages


I couln’t find anything else posted on these issues anywhere, but
someone must have encountered this…

Is it possible to use country_options_for_select or county_select to
generate a dropdown menu of countries in different languages ? My
website is fine in English, but now I need German and French.

Furthermore, is it possible to over-ride the word “Browse” on the select
button using file_field?

Many thanks



I still have no replies. For the first question, I am assuming that the
answer is “no” and will move on not using either of these functions,
rather some database with all the country names I need in the languages
I need.

The second issue still remains, but I have found that this is the case
with Firefox, but not with ie. Thus, it is something better placed on a
different forum.

Thanks anyway.


Darren E. wrote:


I couln’t find anything else posted on these issues anywhere, but
someone must have encountered this…

Is it possible to use country_options_for_select or county_select to
generate a dropdown menu of countries in different languages ? My
website is fine in English, but now I need German and French.

Furthermore, is it possible to over-ride the word “Browse” on the select
button using file_field?

Many thanks
