Using resolv.rb

Can someone point me to some documentation that shows me with examples
how to use that ruby library?

I was just trying to point the resolver at a specific DNS server, but
had trouble figuring out how to do it.

I found the Resolv documentation, but non of the examples showed how
to change what dns server the resolver library used to resolve the

Thanks for any pointers.

Mike B.

Adam B. wrote:

On 6/28/07, barjunk [email protected] wrote:

Example ( verified ):

require ‘resolv’{:nameserver=>[“”]}) do |r|
puts r.getaddress(“”)


Hi Adam…
here the nameserver can have any LIVE IP right?? i mean i tried changing
this IP and used one of my own server IPs… and it worked the same…
please correct me if I am going wrong …

On 6/28/07, barjunk [email protected] wrote:

Can someone point me to some documentation that shows me with examples
how to use that ruby library?

I was just trying to point the resolver at a specific DNS server, but
had trouble figuring out how to do it.

I found the Resolv documentation, but non of the examples showed how
to change what dns server the resolver library used to resolve the

Looks like the source code has some stuff that didn’t make it to the

== Resolv::DNS classDNS stub resolver.=== class methods—
((|config_info|)) should be nil, a string or a hash. If nil is given,
/etc/resolv.conf and platform specific information is used. If a
is given, it should be a filename which format is same as
/etc/resolv.conf. If a hash is given, it may contains information for
nameserver, search and ndots as follows.
({:nameserver=>[“”], :search=>[“”],

— {|dns| …}

Example ( verified ):

require ‘resolv’{:nameserver=>[“”]}) do |r|
puts r.getaddress(“”)
