How can I use form fields in link_to parameters?

Don’t know how to use a link_to directive where one of the parameters
taken form a form field (client side), eg:

The field “numrows” is used to dynamically change the number of rows

per page

in a pager (ok, let apart will_paginate and other paginate plugins)

#Rows per Page :
<%= text_field_tag “numrows”, session[:nr] ||
Customer.per_page, :size
=> 5 %>
<%= link_to ‘Change #Rows per Page’, {:action => ‘set_row_per_page’,
:rowsperpage => <would like to pass here the content of “numrows”
field>, :method => :post, :class => “IsALink” %>

Note that “numrows” is a non-model field of the form.

How can i dynamically set the value of “:rowsperpage” so that clicking
on the link will restart pagination with a differente number of rows
per page. I need to know how to dynamically set up the value of the
parameter using something link $(‘numrows’).value

Any help appreciated.

Hi gattox,

gattox wrote:

Don’t know how to use a link_to directive where one
of the parameters is taken form a form field (client side), eg:

I can’t think of any way to do this with link_to. Remember that link_to
a server-side helper method that’s generating an html <a …> tag to
send to
the client. There might be a way to use client-side javascript to
the tag, but it doesn’t feel like a Rails-ish approach to me.

If it were me, I’d ditch the link-based submission and just use
observe_field on the text_field or drop-down (select) to trigger the
repagination action.
