Attachment_fu or UploadColumn?

I’m just curious what most folks are using to handle image uploads -
attachment_fu, UploadColumn, or something else? Are there distinct
advantages to one of these over the other(s), or is it sort of just a
matter of taste?

Thanks . . .

Bill K.

Hi Bill

I use upload_column, what I look for is, if it is under good



I’m a big attachment_fu fan - love the s3 integration.


On 6/17/07, Bill K. < [email protected]> wrote:

Bill K.

Andrew K.

On Jun 17, 2:02 pm, “Andrew K.” [email protected] wrote:

I’m a big attachment_fu fan - love the s3 integration.

Yes, that is a very nice feature - and one that I forgot about. It
also seems at a cursory glance (I didn’t dig in, so I could very well
be wrong) that UploadColumn is very much tied to RMagick. I’d
personally prefer to use Image Science in my app, which a_fu nicely

I can’t speak to the quality of the integration with image science, but
agree, a_fu is quite flexible with its image manipulation lib options.

I have seen others comment on the scant documentation - but I have found
docs adequate in combination with blog entries, and reading the code
(what a
novel idea!).

-Andrew K.

On 6/17/07, Bill K. [email protected] wrote:

personally prefer to use Image Science in my app, which a_fu nicely

Andrew K.