Custom errors for validates_presence, etc

I am trying to figure out how to customize the error messages when I use
validates_presence_of. I am validating a user name and I use <%=
error_messages_for ‘user’ %> in my view to display the messages. I know
you can customize in the model with :message =>‘custom message’, but I
am trying to get rid of the first part of the error message which is,

1 error prohibited this user from being saved
There were problems with the following fields:

Is there any way to do this or is it hard coded into the rails code?

I’m struggling with the same right now.
Does anybody know how to do this?


On 6/9/07, Yanni M. [email protected] wrote:

Is there any way to do this or is it hard coded into the rails code?
The basic idea is to look at the source for error_messages_for and
then drop your own replacement into app/helpers/application_helper.rb.

Here’s a real simple example:

def error_messages_for(object_name)
object = instance_variable_get(“@#{object_name}”)
return ‘’ if object.errors.empty?
content_tag(‘ul’, object.errors.full_messages.collect {|msg|
content_tag(‘li’, msg)},
{ :class => ‘error’ })