Problem with migrate

I have the following file named 001_create_videos.rb under db folder,
and it contains this:

class CreateVideos < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :videos do |t|
t.column “texto”, :string
t.column “content_type”, :string
t.column “filename”, :string
t.column “size”, :integer

  # used with thumbnails, always required
  t.column "parent_id",  :integer
  t.column "thumbnail", :string

# only for db-based files
# create_table :db_files, :force => true do |t|
#      t.column :data, :binary
# end


def self.down
drop_table :videos

# only for db-based files
# drop_table :db_files


and when I do a db:migrate it tells me this: don’t know how to build
task ‘001_create_videos.rb’
I also tried with rake db:migrate without luck.
Can anybody help me?

Did you use script/generate migration? Migrations need to be under


it is under migrate

that migration is perfectly fine, I gather it’s been made my
acts_as_attachment or attachment_foo plugin??? Anyhow, I have the
exact same migration(without the “texto” column and it runs no
problems, so it might be a different problem.

Is your database.yml connected? When you start the sever and go to the
index page, does rails have the db adapter field filled in? Sounds to
me like it can’t connect to the db.