Is edge rails broken?

I froze to edge today (rake rails:freeze:edge, then rake rails:update)
and can’t run script/about nor script/server:

gem_original_require': no such file to load -- active_resource (MissingSourceFile) from /opt/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/ custom_require.rb:27:inrequire’
from /Users/jeffreycohen/sandbox/playground/vendor/rails/
dependencies.rb:495:in require' from /Users/jeffreycohen/sandbox/playground/vendor/rails/ activerecord/lib/../../activesupport/lib/active_support/ dependencies.rb:342:innew_constants_in’
from /Users/jeffreycohen/sandbox/playground/vendor/rails/
dependencies.rb:495:in require' from ./script/../config/../vendor/rails/railties/lib/ initializer.rb:160:inrequire_frameworks’
from ./script/…/config/…/vendor/rails/railties/lib/
initializer.rb:160:in each' from ./script/../config/../vendor/rails/railties/lib/ initializer.rb:160:inrequire_frameworks’
from ./script/…/config/…/vendor/rails/railties/lib/
initializer.rb:88:in process' from ./script/../config/../vendor/rails/railties/lib/ initializer.rb:49:insend’
from ./script/…/config/…/vendor/rails/railties/lib/
initializer.rb:49:in run' from /Users/jeffreycohen/sandbox/playground/config/ environment.rb:13 from /Users/jeffreycohen/sandbox/playground/vendor/rails/ railties/lib/commands/about.rb:1:inrequire’
from /Users/jeffreycohen/sandbox/playground/vendor/rails/
from script/about:3:in `require’
from script/about:3

Anyone else having this problem?

`gem_original_require’: no such file to load – active_resource

You need active resource. If you look at rake rails:freeze:edge task,
it’s included:

Perhaps you need to rerun it w/ the edge version of the task. The
first time you ran it was probably going against rails 1.2.3’s
rails:freeze:edge task.

Rick O.

When I do this (freeze twice - once with 1.2.3 and once with edge), I
get a problem with /trunk/vendor/rails/actionmailer/transaction.



On May 29, 3:28 pm, “Rick O.” [email protected] wrote:

Perhaps you need to rerun it w/ the edge version of the task. The
first time you ran it was probably going against rails 1.2.3’s
rails:freeze:edge task.

Awesome, that was exactly it.

Thanks Rick.


With many many thanks to Jeff, above, I present the solution to my

The following does NOT work:
rake rails:freeze:edge
rake rails:freeze:edge

This is because each call deletes the directory before re-downloading

The following DOES work:
rake rails:freeze:edge
rake rails:update
