ANN: Sequel 0.1.4 Released - ODBC adapter and more

Sequel version 0.1.4 has just been released. This release adds an ODBC
adapter, handling of multi-line SQL statements and improvements to the
schema DSL.

ODBC adapter

Sequel now includes an ODBC adapter which uses the odbc gem directly.

require ‘sequel/odbc’
DB = ‘odbc:/my_dsn’


Multi-line SQL statements

Database#<< can now accept strings and arrays of strings containing
multiple SQL statements, line breaks and comments, making it easy to
work with schema files and database dump files. e.g.:

DB <<‘schema’)

You can also split a string into separate SQL statements (also
stripped of comments and line breaks):‘schema’).split_sql #=> array of statements

Improvements to Schema DSL

The schema generator DSL is improved to support data types as methods,
so instead of writing:

DB.create_table :items do
column :name, :text
column :price, :decimal

You can now write:

DB.create_table :items do
text :name
decimal :price


Sequel documentation:

Join the Sequel-talk group:

Install the gem:
sudo gem install sequel

Or check out the source and install manually:
svn co sequel
cd sequel
rake install

On 5/25/07, Sharon R. [email protected] wrote:

Sequel version 0.1.4 has just been released. This release adds an ODBC
adapter, handling of multi-line SQL statements and improvements to the
schema DSL.

Nice work Sharon! I’ll try wrapping this with a Ruport plugin soon. :slight_smile: