Installation issue


I’m trying to install Radiant, but after trying on and off for a week,
it’s been unsuccessful. Right know I’m getting this error and I don’t
know what to do next. I’m trying in a VMware instance with Windows 2003
and the lastest MySQL

Many thanks in advance.

Roberto L Iriarte

E:\Projects\RoR>rake production db:bootstrap

(in E:/Projects/RoR)

Extensions cannot be used until Radiant migrations are up to date.

This task will destroy any data in the database. Are you sure you want

continue? [yn] y

Create the admin user (press enter for defaults).

Name (Administrator):

Username (admin):

Password (radiant):

rake aborted!

Mysql::Error: #42S02Table ‘radiant_production.users’ doesn’t exist: SHOW

FROM users

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Roberto Luis Iriarte Pablos wrote:

Mysql::Error: #42S02Table ‘radiant_production.users’ doesn’t exist: SHOW

That is really strange. It looks like it is failing to run the
migrations to create the initial database schema. You could try creating
the tables manually.

John L.

John - FYI, I ran into the same issue.

Radiant 0.6.1
FreeBSD 6.2
MySQL 4.1.22

I have one instance of Radiant running fine. I deployed a second copy
and it won’t rake db:bootstrap (event tried rake db:migrate VERSION=1).


John L. wrote:

Roberto Luis Iriarte Pablos wrote:

Mysql::Error: #42S02Table ‘radiant_production.users’ doesn’t exist: SHOW

That is really strange. It looks like it is failing to run the
migrations to create the initial database schema. You could try creating
the tables manually.

Are people continuing to have this issue? I am getting the same error.

I have installed Radiant at least 4 times on my machine over the past
few months and have not gotten this issue until recently. Now I am
completely frustrated by it.

Create the admin user (press enter for defaults).
Name (Administrator):
Username (admin):
Password (radiant):
rake aborted!
Mysql::Error: Table ‘daybreak2_development.users’ doesn’t exist: SHOW

Has anyone true determined the root caused and found a workaround?

Would appreciate any info. to help resolve this.


This is just a guess here, but make sure you are running the migrate
in the right environment. I think for production, you should run

rake production db:migrate