[PRODUCT] New Komodo 4.1 beta supports RHTML debugging

We just shipped a new beta of Komodo 4.1. The Rails debugging is
much faster – about 60x, thanks to a total rewrite pulling out my
home-grown version 1.8.2-type backend, and substituting in
Kent S.'s ruby-debug-base component. 60x is a good factor:
what used to literally take a minute now takes a second.

A bonus feature is if you set a breakpoint in an RHTML file, and
start the debugger, the debugger will stop at that point. Examine
variables, use the interactive shell to explore a bit, and then
continue, just like you’re debugging any other program. The
only difference is that it looks like you’re debugging Ruby
code in RHTML files, when in fact you’re walking through the
underlying ERb code, but the debugger automatically maps
to the RHTML view.

The best thing about this feature is that I didn’t have to
write a line of code to make it happen.

  • Eric