Ruby XML-RPC question (slightly OT)

Hi, I’ve got a little Ruby script that I’m trying to get to
successfully read from wordpress blogs for an aggregator of sorts, but
I haven’t had any luck. XML-RPC is enabled for the blog and I doubled
checked that it’s working. I just followed along with the code
presented here


because it seems pretty straightforward. I did this:

require 'xmlrpc/client.rb' begin server =" wordpress", "/xmlrpc.php", 80) result ="mt.supportedMethods", 0, "log", "pass") puts result rescue XMLRPC::FaultException => e puts "error code : #{e.faultCode}" puts "error string : #{e.faultString}" end

But I get back

initialize’: getaddrinfo: No address associated with nodename
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:560:in `open’

Has anyone done this (or something similar) before? Thanks in advance
for any info,


Oops. My bad. I just changed

server =“
wordpress”, “/xmlrpc.php”, 80)


server =“
wordpress”, “/xmlrpc.php”, 80)


joshuajnoble wrote:

Hi, I’ve got a little Ruby script that I’m trying to get to
successfully read from wordpress blogs for an aggregator of sorts, but
I haven’t had any luck. XML-RPC is enabled for the blog and I doubled
checked that it’s working. I just followed along with the code
presented here

All sizes | xmlrpc/client.rb blog access to wordpress | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

hi, that’s my Flickr area, and my code :slight_smile:
I have the Blogging From Vim ruby-script working fine, as you can see in
the other photos. I’ll publish it very soon. It is now working very
fine, and some people already using it, and allows you to blog directly
from VI / VIM / GVIM. If you want to, i’ll copy/paste the it here. Do
you ?

best regards,