Form_remote_tag not sending xml_http_request

I have a form defined in a view :

<% form_remote_tag( :url =>{:action => ‘list’ }, :html => {:id =>
‘prop_search_form’, :name => “prop_search_form”}) do %>

<% end %>

when submitted, the check in list action of the controller is not

if request.xml_http_request?
  render :partial => 'result_area', :layout => 'false'

debugging gives :
request.xml_http_request? => false

why ?

the html code generated seems to be correct :

where am I wrong ?

thanks for your help

for one - you are looking for request.xhr instead of
request.xml_http_request? see page 542 of the agile web development

Ivor P. wrote:

for one - you are looking for request.xhr instead of
request.xml_http_request? see page 542 of the agile web development


I thought request.xhr? and request.xml_http_request? were equivalent …

Ivor P. wrote:

for one - you are looking for request.xhr instead of
request.xml_http_request? see page 542 of the agile web development

Well I see what could be the problem even if I don"t know yet teh
solution :

I am using a form_remote_tag, but I am not using a submit button…
instead, as I have a rollover button I use a link w onclick :submit()


could it be the problem ?