Structuring a rails application

I try to structure my rails application with modules, but i have
problems to define the routes. Is’ it possible to use someting like
this: <%= link to ‘…’, :module => :module_name, :controller
=> :ctrl_name […] -%> ?

The controllers i want to access are in app/controllers/module_name. I
thougt i could define something like this: map.connect
‘:module/:controller/:action’, but it doesn’t work.

You could try to namespace them instead of wrapping multiple
controllers in a module if that is an option.

script/generate controller admin/messages
script/generate controller admin/users


But this has the same effect like “script/generate Admin::Messages”
the class that will be created is in the module Admin. This is not a
problem for me, but how do i create links to the modules. Is it
posible to route requests in a default folder? For example:


are my differnt interfaces, by default the controllers in public
should serve the users request, so that the url is somthing like:
http://url/controller/action and not