Turning off verify_mode for SSL


In my rails tests, I get the warnings: warning: peer certificate won’t
verified in this SSL session

I found this on the ruby list:


I’ve got a little Ruby script that needs to use SSL but doesn’t really
worry about authentication at all. Here’s the relevant code:

  https = Net::HTTP.new(URL, 443)
  https.use_ssl = true
  data = ""
    h.get2(url) {|resp|
      data = resp.body

When I run this, it works great but gives me (on STDERR):
peer certificate won’t be verified in this SSL session

I don’t really care about the verification, so how should I turn this
warning off or otherwise prevent it from printing?


and the response:

K> https = Net::HTTP.new(URL, 443)
K> https.use_ssl = true

     https.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE

K> data = “”
K> https.start{|h|
K> h.get2(url) {|resp|
K> data = resp.body
K> }
K> }

now my question: is it possible to turn https.verify_mode =
OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE on for all new Net::HTTP instances? I want to
prevent getting that warning while I run my tests.

Thanks, Rob

On Apr 19, 10:43 am, “Robert MannI” [email protected] wrote:

worry about authentication at all. Here’s the relevant code:
When I run this, it works great but gives me (on STDERR):
K> https = Net::HTTP.new(URL, 443)

now my question: is it possible to turn https.verify_mode =
OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE on for all new Net::HTTP instances? I want to
prevent getting that warning while I run my tests.

Thanks, Rob

Hi Rob,

I found this page via Google, http://devmates.com/archive/48/




Hi Celldee,

thanks, but that just solves the problem if you already have a net/http
instance var, in that case @http.

I need to solve this for all my Net::HTTP instances.

Best, Rob

Robert MannI wrote:

Hi Celldee,

thanks, but that just solves the problem if you already have a
instance var, in that case @http.

I need to solve this for all my Net::HTTP instances.

Best, Rob

A: Because it makes it difficult to associate responses.
Q: Why is top-quoting bad?

Subclass Net::HTTP, and enhance the initialize method in your

Phillip “CynicalRyan” Gawlowski

Rule of Open-Source Programming #20:

Open Code != Good Code