Radiant Issue Served by Litespeed 3.1


I have the Radiant CMS running from a Litespeed 3.1 Webserver and the
current url is http://my.slice.ip.address/admin/welcome which is good.

Unfortunately there is no Admin Login screen, only this =>
Application error (Apache)

Change this error message for exceptions thrown outside of an action
in Dispatcher setups or broken Ruby code) in public/500.html
So it seems that Radiant is being served correctly into the $VH_ROOT of
webserver (/srv/www/radiant/) but it is not seeing the appropriate view.

Is this a correct assumption?

Cheers, Ben.

Benjamin M. wrote:

Unfortunately there is no Admin Login screen, only this =>
Application error (Apache)

Whenever you see an Application Error on a Rails app it’s an indication
that you should check the logs to see if you can find the actual error
that is being thrown. That will generally tell you a lot about what the
problem is.

John L.

Hey all,
I’m helping Andrea F. work on his fantastic Gallery Extension:
(download with ‘darcs’ - http://darcs.net)

Anyway I’m trying to add some globally available tags to it:

There is a Model declared thus:
class Gallery < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :items,
:class_name => ‘GalleryItem’


And I have made a module in the extension /lib called gallery_tags.rb
which contains this (fake example)…

module GalleryTags
#tags available globally, not just on GalleryPages
include Radiant::Taggable

tag “mytag” do |tag|
if tag.attr[“id”]
tag.locals.gallery = Gallery.find_by_id tag.attr[“id”]

tag “anothertag” do |tag|


added to the extension with:
def activate
admin.tabs.add “Galleries”, “/admin/gallery”, :after =>
“Layouts”, :visibility => [:all]
Page.send :include, GalleryTags

yet when I do this in a page:

<r:mytag id=‘1’>

I get this:
You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it! The error occurred
while evaluating nil.name

It seems that tag.locals.gallery is being set to nil in between the
tag calls… I can’t work out why because other extensions seem to do
similar things… it’s very confusing.

Any help much appreciated.


You need to call the id in both tags. I know it is a little
counterintuitive, but the id tag is not being passed to the first
tag, just the second. I banged my head on this for a few days, try it
like this:

tag “mytag” do |tag|
if tag.attr[“id”]
tag.locals.gallery = Gallery.find_by_id tag.attr[“id”]

tag “anothertag” do |tag|
gallery = Gallery.find_by_id tag.attr[“id”] || tag.locals.gallery

This should work, but I haven’t tested it, so I make no promises.
You may want to add a some sort of error handling in there in case
no id is found.

Keith B.
[email protected]
Tel: +49-7731-7983830

I think I’ve worked it out…

Basically tag.locals is a “virtual” (don’t know correct name) method…
so if you want tag.locals.item.name you should first assign
tag.locals.item to a variable and then query that variable:
item = tag.locals.item
return item.name

you can assign with tag.locals.item =, but not tag.locals.item.name =
for example.

brackets might work like:

haven’t tested that.



This didn’t work.

I’m going to work around it by doing:
<r:anothertag id=‘1’ />
<r:yetanothertag id=‘1’ />

for the moment… but it’s not going to work in the long run… is
there a way to force/pass or create your own variables?

tag “mytag” do |tag|
if tag.attr[“id”]
tag.locals.gallery = Gallery.find_by_id tag.attr[“id”]
tag.expand { “id” => “1”}


tag “mytag” do |tag|
if tag.attr[“id”]
tag.locals.my_gallery = Gallery.find_by_id tag.attr[“id”]


tag “mytag” do |tag|
if tag.attr[“id”]
tag.globals.gallery = Gallery.find_by_id tag.attr[“id”]

Thanks in advance,